Hey everyone,
What are you willing to say?
You want to get the things that very few people get— the awards, the bestseller lists, the six and seven-figure book deals.
Are you also willing to DO the things that very few people DO?

Saying what no one else wants to say?
Showing up to write day after day even when you’re tired, hurt, and angry?
Smiling on camera and saying, “You should really buy my book”?
Reading the bad reviews and emailing more reviewers regardless?
Counting the 99 rejections and sending out the hundredth query letter anyway?
Building an audience for years before getting any traction?
Tackling the difficult subjects?
Being the subject of public ridicule and getting on with it anyway?
Enduring endless family drama because you dared to say what they didn’t want you to say?
Writing, when it’s working, and you think you should quit while you’re ahead?
Writing, when it’s not working, and you think you should quit while you’re behind?
Writing, just writing with no excuses, no moaning about lack of time, no days off because you didn’t feel like it?
Want the rewards that very few people get?
Do the work that very few people will ever do.