So technology hasn’t been much of a friend lately. I’ve already been enduring three restarts a day on my computer but that seems minimalistic compared to the past week. Here’s the low-down on what I’ve been up to.
- Some porn site figures that my name’s apparently a hot keyword. So, they use it to push up their search engine rankings. Yeah, so now if you search for my name and make it to a few pages along the rankings, you’ll find my name happily linking to an adult page (sorry, editors!) Of course, I’ve politely been told to get over it because “hey, no one searches that far into the listings anyway,” and “you’re famous, babe.” Um, okay.
- Some freak pretending to be a woman decides to give out my cell phone number on the Internet. What that effectively means is that I’m now getting obscene phone calls and text messages throughout the night from horny guys who want me to… oh, never mind.
- The company that hosts my website has “network problems” and everything on their server crashes. My site’s down for two days, and so is this blog and my professional email address.
- My email discovers that it has a life of its own and will do things in its own time. So I send it out one day, and it’ll reach the required destination four days later.
- I install Google Talk (the next big thing don’tcha know?) and it takes over my computer. I can’t get anything with audio to work, including Media Player, Total Recorder or even background sounds for various programs. Three restarts later I’ve fixed the problem but have had to tell my friends that if they want to talk to me, they need to pick up the phone.
Sidebar: If you’ve written to me and haven’t heard from me, it’s not my fault. Really! In case it’s been over a week since you sent me something and you still haven’t heard back, give me a nudge. I’ll be quick to reply. Promise.