I did something today that I wouldn’t have dreamed of doing two months ago. I deleted an email without replying to it.
Let me explain.
Like almost every other writer on the planet, I get feedback. LOTS of feedback. In fact, I can safely say that I get at least one email a day commenting on something I wrote, my book, my website or my work in general. Thankfully, most of these emails are kind, gracious and absolutely heart-warming, and they never fail to make my day. Then, there are the others.
To the kind emails, I say a huge thank you, both in my reply and in my heart. But it’s those other emails that leave me blank.
When someone objects to something I wrote, I don’t mind, but it’s when they’re outright rude that it bugs me. I’m tempted to say something along the lines of “Get a life,” or “So if you’re such a hotshot, how come I’ve never heard of you?” or something that I really can’t write on this blog. But I don’t. In a mature fashion, I reply to that rude email in the most gracious manner possible and hope that the person will have learned that a bad attitude doesn’t really get you anywhere.
But you know what I realized today? I don’t have to reply, think about or even acknowledge these emails. Just like that.
So when an email came today telling me quite rudely that my free e-course needed to have more material (it already has 12 lessons!), instead of saying, “Why don’t I just give you my e-book for free? I’m sure that’ll suit your cheap personality,” I didn’t respond at all. I just deleted it. I got closure. The person who sent me that email probably didn’t.
How’s that for revenge?