My behavioral patterns tend to shock a lot of people, but never writers.
When I say I haven’t stepped out of the house for weeks, or don’t remember what I had for breakfast in the morning, or say I’ve had a really productive day because I finally found proof that twins born to the same mother can have different fathers, most people look at me weirdly.
A writer, on the other hand will say, “Yep, yep, I had a breakthrough like that last week when after two weeks of searching, I finally found the perfect name for my protagonist.” And then I get to hear cool things like,
“I can only write with black pen. Other colors give me writer’s block.”
“Is it weird that I have to write everything long-hand first on a piece of paper and then copy it to my computer?”
“I have to wear socks when I write.”
“I’ll be working all day and then at midnight, I’ll wonder if I’ve eaten all day, and it usually turns out, I haven’t. Thank God for my husband.”
“If I’m writing and someone calls, that’s it. I’m done for the day. I can’t write any more.”
“People think it’s weird that I see my characters as real people, and can have actual conversations with them in my head.”
“I used to write these really great pieces in my mind, too, especially when I was driving, and by the time I’d get back, I’d totally forget what they were. So I started carrying a voice recorder with me. Sure, people give me funny looks sometimes, but hey, I haven’t missed many moments of inspiration lately.”
“Yep, ideas in the shower are totally normal. Just ask my bathroom mirror and no-longer-in-fashion shade of lipstick.”
“I can’t write when there’s someone in the same room. I need to be completely alone. No, I’m not dating anyone… why do you ask?”
So come on out of lurkdom people, and share your quir… um, interesting traits. You won’t get weird looks here. Promise.