Last week, I posted an entry about the writing life and how shit happens, but some way, somehow, things turn out okay again. That entry seemed to touch a nerve with many people– I got so many e-mails and messages in response to it.
Shit will happen, that’s a given. But it’s how you deal with it that matters. Are you going to crumble and fall apart or will you stand up, dust yourself off and try again? Writers are resilient people, we take daily rejection in our stride and still keep going, still keep believing.
So what do you do when things go wrong and out of control? Here are my top tips.
1. Take the time to wallow in self-pity
It’s important. Writers put a lot of time, energy and belief in what we do and when things don’t go to plan, it’s only natural that we get upset and disillusioned. It’s important to acknowledge what you’re feeling, but don’t dwell on it too long. At the end of the day, it’s not life or death. It’s an article, a book, a product launch, but you know what? There will be other articles, books, and product launches. You’ll get over it. So sure, spend a day in bed reading, go out and watch a movie, and then come back, ready to get to work.
2. Get proactive
There is nothing that motivates me faster and stronger than a rejection or a lousy week. It’s almost a challenge for me when this happens. Ten rejections last week? I’m going to get ten acceptances this time around! I tend to set my sights high and then try and achieve lofty goals. What better time to do this than when things aren’t going to plan and you need something new to take your mind off them?
3. Set yourself up for a challenge
Two weeks ago, I started sending out queries by the dozens, but you could start writing a novel, work on new non-fiction title, set up a blog, or anything else that you’ve been meaning to do for a while but haven’t gotten around to doing. When you’re given the gift of time, use it wisely!
4. Take a break
If you’re feeling totally demotivated and miserable, don’t try to force yourself to work. Book yourself a holiday. Sipping cocktails by the pool is a great way to get over any setbacks, professional or otherwise!
So those are my tips for getting over setbacks. What do you do when things don’t go to plan and you’re feeling like a deflated balloon?