At the end of every year, it’s a good practice to look back on the days just gone by and see if there’s anything worth taking into the days coming up ahead. These are some of the things I’ve learned in 2007, lessons that I hope to take with me into the new year.
- I have learned that some of the worst things that happen to you will, with time and the right attitude, seem like some of the best.
- I have learned that life is not black and white, actions never right or wrong. My biggest enemy may be your most loyal friend. We’re all shades of grey.
- I have learned to compromise on many things, but never to compromise on honesty– whether in giving or receiving.
- I have learned that as scary as it sometimes is, I have to be willing to walk away.
- I have learned that inflicting pain on others will not make your own pain go away. Any infliction of pain on you is a cry for help. Help if you can, else get out of the way.
- I have learned that admitting your mistakes and shortcomings doesn’t make you pathetic; it makes you strong.
- I have learned that when you do your work with peace, patience and dignity, good things find you automatically. (Thanks to Mr. Rupesh Srivastava of Mahila Paksh for teaching me that one by example.)
- The most important lesson I have learned: When in doubt, dance. (Thanks to a special someone for teaching me that one. Also by example.)
What about you? What are some of the lessons you learned in 2007 that you’ll take with you into 2008?