It’s 2007! Last year, on this day, I wrote that my only goal for 2006 was to do what made me happy. And guess what– I did.
Did it involve heartbreak, a total breakdown and an overflow of emotions? Yep. But here I sit, one year later, with absolutely no regrets, knowing that I followed my heart and did what I knew would make me happy. It was a year of incredible challenges, which of course means that it was a year of incredible growth and learning.
I learned several things about myself, the world I live in, the meaning of relationships.
I learned to trust that my gut is always right and will always take me towards where I need to go.
I learned that love and success are just words in a vacuum if you don’t have people to share them with.
I learned that while my career has always been my topmost priority and success as a writer my ultimate goal, without people to celebrate it with, to me, it all becomes meaningless.
I learned that I give too much of myself to relationships, and not enough to myself.
I learned that some relationships are special, no matter how short-lived they are, and deserve to be remembered that way.
I learned that some relationships are toxic no matter how long-lived they are, and need to be let go of.
I learned that my life never has been, and never will be, defined by a single relationship.
And I learned that when life hands you lemons, you don’t just make lemonade. You also call over a dozen friends and have a lemon fight!
I’m dealing with my lemons at the start of this New Year. My wish for you is that you’ll find the strength to deal with yours, too.
Happy 2007!