Hi friends,
I’m bad at following the rules.
Especially ones that don’t make sense to me.

Why can’t I roll out of bed at 11 am each day, work four hours, and expect to build a six-figure business? (I can.)
Why can’t I have two literary agents in two different countries out on submission with two different books in two different genres? (I can.)
Why can’t I have a limited social media presence and still have people find me, love me, and want to work with me? (I can.)
Why can’t I have an engaging social feed without constantly having to post about politics, sharing pictures of my family, or becoming a fashion model? (I can.)
I can.
I do.
You can, too.
The rules were all made up to enslave you.
You can free yourself from them anytime you choose to.
There is nothing you have to do in order to have the life and career you want except find the thing that lights you up, get excellent at it, and keep doing more and more of it in the ways that work… FOR YOU.
Write a book… on your terms.
Find an agent… on your terms.
Build an audience… on your terms.
Play in, and with, the publishing industry. On your terms.
Learn to play the game well.
Own your wins.
Own your losses.
And don’t forget to have fun.
That’s all there is to it.