Hey everyone,
Thanks so much for the many wonderful emails you sent my way yesterday and for your best wishes and support. I’m so excited to be entering a new phase of my business and life journey and I can’t wait to share all that I’m learning and doing with you. I’m working on some very cool free things for you, the first one of which is coming this week. Stay tuned.

Something I realized a few weeks ago, a shift in me that I hadn’t really seen happening but that is so obvious to me now looking back, is that there came a time in the last few years where I started operating out of a place of love rather than fear. For so much of my life until this point, I’d made decisions based on on fear. The fear of not making enough money, the fear of failing, the fear or failing publicly, the fear of judgement from people I loved, the fear of ridicule, etc.
I’ve come to learn that there are only two ways to approach any situation I’m presented with, and that is either with love or fear.
We’re conditioned to always choose the fear response.
I’ve been learning how to not do that anymore. I don’t want to live like that anymore.
I want everything I do, every decision I make, to be one that comes from a place of me being fully me. Me doing the things I love. Me living the life that feels right to me. I trust that no matter what happens in the short term, at least professionally, none of it will matter in the long term because I have zero confusion about who I am, what I want to be doing, and where I’m headed. I have such incredible clarity on what next-level me looks like that it feels almost impossible to me that it won’t or can’t happen. So then, knowing this, believing it as I do, it really doesn’t matter what I make this month, how many rejections I get, or how impossible my dream might look to other people right in this very moment.
Listen, you either believe in yourself or you don’t. So many of us proclaim to have belief in our work and our vision but then, when it comes time to back it, we shy away, we become uncertain, we let the fear response take over. That’s not belief. Belief isn’t only available to you when it’s convenient. Belief matters most when it’s difficult, when things are going wrong, when you thought you were on the right path but trip over and fall into ditch. That’s when your belief is tested, that’s when you know whether you really believed or just said you did.
I believe in the work I’m doing fully and completely, and so I’m backing myself.
It’s not brave, it’s not inspiring, it’s not badass.
It’s just me being me.
And when you think about it, isn’t that really the only honest way to live?