Hey everyone,
Much like you, I often feel behind.
I’m behind on the big things. I should have published at least a few novels by now. I should have been making more money. I should have figured out this work-life balance thingmajig.

I’m behind on the small things. I should written that blog post last night in time to publish it this morning. I should have been on top of my social media messages. I really should have responded to that important email.
I’m behind on the personal things. The forms from my son’s school, the emails that I haven’t yet read, the reading and writing practice, the activities, the stuff. All the stuff.
I’m behind. You’re behind. We’re all behind, always behind.
You can’t change that. You can try, but there will always be more things adding up, more things to be done, more things piling on top of one another.
Don’t try catching up. Catching up is not the point.
The point is doing. The point is finishing.
And this is how you do that: You pick something, anything. You deal with it, finish it, bring it to completion, take it off the list.
Now, pick something else. Repeat.
You can never be completely caught up, so stop trying. Instead, try to find completion.
Pick something, finish it, on to the next. Repeat.
What are you behind on? And what’s the thing you’re going to pick and tackle RIGHT NOW?