Damn, this was a hard list to make. I want to set a good example though, so okay, I’ll talk about accomplishments. I want to hear about yours in the comments.
1. I was recognized. Sort of. I was introduced to an acquaintance’s roommate earlier this year, and after hearing my name and that I was a freelance journalist, she said, “Wait a second,” went into her room, and came back with a copy of that month’s Marie Claire. She opened it up to the page of my article and almost screamed, “Oh my God! This is YOU!”
2. I was interviewed by NPR. This is an accomplishment not just because it’s NPR, but also because they found me through my work. And liked it enough to want to talk to me about it. The producer initially contacted me to find out about my work as a female journalist in India and the dangers involved in it after I blogged (yes, blogged!) about my experiences in Surat.
3. I traveled solo quite a bit, especially during the first half of the year. This isn’t an accomplishment, really, but for some reason, I thought of the first time I traveled on assignment about two years ago. I wasn’t alone– there was a photographer, a guide, and most things had been taken care of. But looking back– gosh, was I ever really that stupid? I do things very very differently now. And that, most certainly is an accomplishment.
4. Speaking of photographers, I got hired as one. An editor saw some pictures I’d taken (for myself, not for publication), assured me they were fit for publication, and offered me rates that are higher than the rates she’s offered any of the professional photojournalists I’ve worked with!
5. I learned the art of detachment. Sometimes by will, sometimes by force. But mostly, I thought of the few things I’m attached to or obsessive about, and tried living without them. For instance, I love rings– I’m currently wearing six. So I took them off– all of them– for a few months. Or, you know how I’m attached to my books, right? I started giving them away. I’d joined Bookmooch.com last year, but hadn’t really listed books that I was fond of. This year, I listed all of them, and gave away some of my very favorite ones. It may sound weird, but it really did help me detach from not only material things, but other stuff as well.
6. I beat my workaholic tendencies and took a long vacation. I felt no guilt.
7. I broke into some new publications, made good money, learned several new things, and am basically satisfied with the kind of work I did and am doing.
8. I spent New Year’s Eve 2006 with a person I didn’t want to be with, in a situation I didn’t want to be in, at a place where I didn’t want to be at. On a road in the middle of nowhere, caught in the fog, feeling claustrophobic– physically, mentally, emotionally.
My biggest accomplishment this year is that New Year’s Eve 2007 will be the exact opposite.