Hey everyone,
What’s it like to be house-hunting in the time of coronavirus?
Stress, stress, OMFG, the stress.
Fear. Will you find a place to live? Will you be able to get your stuff out of storage in time? How will you run your business? How long after you find a place will you be able to get WiFi? Will you be able to get basic supplies?
Anxiety. About sick family members. Parents you may not see for a long long time. Your upcoming visa renewal. Being left stateless if things go wrong.
Kindness. From the real estate agent who has had three sales fall through today but is going out of his way to help you find a home quickly so you can hunker down and self isolate.
Camaraderie. From the taxi driver who tells you the time of day that deliveries arrive in supermarkets so that you can get basic supplies for your family as you look for a place to live.
Gratitude. For the friend who gave you information that allowed you to leave two days before India’s borders were shut and flights grounded and prevented you from being separated from your eight-year-old son indefinitely. For the parents who helped you pack your entire life into six suitcases overnight. For the friend who got your car fixed before you arrived back in the UK and gave you a place to stay, rent-free, as you find your own place. For the friend who checks in seven times a day to make sure you’re okay emotionally even as he deals with his own shit. For the friend whose children WhatsApp your kid and make poo jokes. For the teachers who continue to check in. For the neighbours who looked after you. For the constant reassurance that you’re doing the right thing.
Perspective. You are together. You are safe. That’s all that matters.
Hope. Faith. Trust. You will be home soon.
(My family and I are now back in Brighton, UK. We still don’t have a home. Once I’ve found a place to live and got my Internet sorted, I’ll be sharing some ideas I have for online community events and free trainings that I’ll be running as we all find ourselves in various levels of social isolation.)
Stay safe, friends.