Hey everyone,
A message for the leaders, the creators, the change makers. The ones who move fast, break the rules, and live on the edge. This is for the action-takers, the decision-makers, the people who know they’re meant to go right to the top. This is for the 1%.
And here’s what I need to say to you today:
You’re never going to slow down. So quit trying.
Write the books, make the movies, produce the documentaries.
Do what needs to be done.
Travel the world.
Let the money flow.
Be in abundance.
But don’t forget: It is okay to relax, it’s okay to take a nap in the middle of the day.
It’s necessary to breathe.
Sure, there’s a crapload of work to be done but there’s always a crapload of work to be done.
You know why?
Because that’s who you are.
That’s your life, the life you’ve CHOSEN.
How could there NOT be a crapload of work to get done when you’re constantly adding new things to the mix?
That’s not something to overcome, it’s a choice you’ve made. It’s your life. It’s what you WANT your life to be.
I know and you know that you don’t want to slow down. Far from it. You want to keep up this pace, in fact increase it so that you can move faster and faster and faster still.
So don’t worry about slowing down. You don’t need to.
What you need to do is move fast, be fast, create even faster. But as you do—remember to breathe, remember to enjoy the thrill, remember to take a rest between laps. Recharge.
Understand that you’ll get more done in a morning when you’re sick than most people will do in an entire week. So don’t worry about it. Take your time with things, push hard and fast, and just keep going without feeling like you’re behind. Because you, the leader, the creator, the action-taker? You’re never behind and always ahead. You charge forward and the world moves to follow you, catching up, meeting you where you are and even as it does so, you’re already ahead, charging forth, creating things, demolishing obstacles, making money, being you. Being fully and truly you.
Be confident in who you are. Be confident in your ability to make sales, bring in the cash, write your truth, and create the life you want. Because all you need to do is create. All you need to think about is what you want to do next, then just do it. And I promise you, everything else will fall into place on its own.
Because you have one job, only one job to do. And that is to be fully you. Constantly. Every single minute of every single day, your only job is to ask: What is the next right action for me to take? What would make me most truly me today? What do I need to do for myself and for my art? What do I need to do that takes me one (or fifty) steps forward in the direction of my dreams? And then just do that. Do one true thing, then another, and another, and before you know it, you have created a true life, one that is based on alignment and trust and what is right for you.
See, your ideal life is almost never created in a series of big grand life-changing decisions. It’s often a matter of taking small true steps daily, every day, minute after minute after minute. Lives and dreams and careers are built minutes at a time. Not with one grand gesture but with tiny steps that move you in the right direction. Every time you move in a direction that you know is wrong for you, you get off course. But every single right step puts you back on the path to your true self.
Like you, I try to make it complicated sometimes. I try to “figure things out” or try to make it all happen with one big grand decision. But it doesn’t work like that. It can’t work like that. A story is written one scene at a time. And the story of your life will be written in that exact same way.
Each scene and each step moves you in the right or the wrong direction.
You can’t control the life. But you can control the scene.
Tune in today, at every moment and ask yourself, what is it that I want my ultimate story to be? And how do I need to write my scene in this moment right now to get me there?
Change the scene and you’ll change the story.
Is it time to change your story?