Hi friends,
Tell me if any of the following sound familiar:

“Once I’ve got a few thousand followers, I’ll be able to afford to say what I really think.”
“I’ll be more comfortable sharing these stories that make me feel vulnerable after my memoir comes out.”
“I don’t want to be polarizing and offend the limited audience I have. Of course shecan, she’s a New York Times bestselling author, but I don’t want to lose the already small audience I have.”
This isn’t about how many followers you have.
It’s about safety.
You think you’ll feel safe being vulnerable and sharing stories online when you have ten thousand followers, or a hundred thousand, or a million.
You think when you have that bestselling book, you’ll have a deeper sense of security. Or when you have an agent or publisher in your corner.
Here’s the truth:
Wherever you go, there you are.
You don’t feel safe because you have larger numbers of followers or people to defend you or publishing professionals standing in your corner.
The only way you ever get to that feeling is by doing the deep work, looking at the core beliefs that keep you feeling unsafe or uncomfortable speaking up, and addressing the issue from its root.
A webinar about social media numbers isn’t going to fix it.
Building that fancy website won’t fix it.
This is the work we’ll be doing in Build a Better Platform.
And (dare I say) it’s the most important work you’ll ever do for your audience building.
Your audience can’t grow beyond where you are personally.
A mentor once told me “Your business success is a reflection of how far you’ve come in terms of your personal and spiritual development.” The opposite is also true.
Understanding who you are, what your message is, and why people should listen to it is the best thing you can do for your author career.
And if you want to go deeper with me, then grab a spot in Build a Better Platform.
Here’s a video overview in which I talk you through the entire process and what we’ll be doing week by week.
If you’ve got questions, hit reply and ask me. I will tell you straight up whether or not it’s right for you.
More tomorrow.